Product Reviews. Newsletter RSS Feed. Non-Core Books Adventures. Start Over Advanced Search. Products found in this section Premier Series: The Roleplaying Game of Dramatic Television Have you ever wanted to be able to play a roleplaying campaign that plays out like one of your favorite dramas on television? Now you can! With Premier Series you will create your own "show" to serve as the world of your roleplaying game, the players taking on the roles of the main cast and series writers, with the GM working to control things as the showrunner.
This book provides tools to help you The first section of the book, the Adventure Creator, will guide you through the process of creating your own RPG storyline using a pre-prepared act structure. The Story Charts found in the middle of the book contain Whether they are actually a violent mob, or a cow- ardly mob, or another kind of mob is up to you. All who go there risk their lives. Or worse. Or are they an impostor? Though someone may. At least on the outside.
Probably on the inside too. Naturally or forcibly. And this time it could even be personal. Perhaps involving magics, contact with terrible beings, and almost certainly plenty of human sacrifices. At least according to them. Sci-Fi Genre Charts The Sci-Fi Genre Charts are for roleplaying games featuring space ships, advanced worlds, explorations through the distant cosmos and more! GMs using space-age set- tings and games taking place in futuristic worlds should use these charts for developing their adventures.
Sci-Fi Adventure Types Chart d10 1. Huge Event - A great cataclysmic event threatens to ruin worlds and exterminate whole peoples. Exploration - Heroes must adventure through unknown expanses, in pursuit of their mission.
Evil Leader - Some singularly dangerous and effective villain causes trouble. Place in Peril - Far from help, only the heroes stand between some place and its destruction. Space Mystery - A hard to explain spatial event threatens or puzzles the heroes in some way.
Oppression - Innocent people are having their lives threatened by some oppressively evil force. Reality Destruction of Hierarchy in Man vs. Well they may know, but nobody else does! Perhaps its remnants are still there, with buried or ruined cities and so on. How dangerous will this prove and where will it end? Phone Home! Keepers - Someone finds or recovers something of great value and intends to keep it. Possi- ble leading to prolonged violence.
Or someone suspects they were. Space President - The PCs must protect the life of some very important character or characters. There may be a threat of government interference. Burns - A dying, or perhaps already dead, person seeks to regain or vastly prolong their life. Event Scene Prompt 1. Aloof or Tough 2. Anxious or Vain 4. Event : 3. Arrogant or Foolish 5.
Belligerent or Serious 6. Plot thread Pick one or create a new one. Action : 5. Bigoted or Self-Righteous 7. Thing : 6. Blunt or Guarded 8. Plot Device : 7. Boisterous or Greedy 9. Boring or Squeamish Opposition : 9. Bossy or Reasonable Location : Bright or Moody Cagey or Timid Callous or Paranoid Cantankerous or Stoical Challenge Scene Chart Careless or Polite Charming or Snobby 2d6 2.
Challenge Scene Prompt Clever or Neurotic Close-Minded or Kind-Hearted 3. Challenge : Cold or Fast Talking 5. Action : Confident or Rude 6. Cowardly or Self-Centered 7. Thing : Cranky or Disciplined 8. Plot Device : Cruel or Egotistical 9. Cultured or Rugged Opposition : Cynical or Strange Dainty or Narcissistic Deceitful or Wise Diligent or Hedonistic Dramatic or Stubborn Three Act Structure Droll or Romantic Dumb or Whimsical Fearless or Snooty hooks them into solving the story.
By the end of the first act the Fiery-Tempered or Shy characters should know enough about the plot to generally under- Foolhardy or Talkative stand what they need to do in order to save the day. Gregarious or Obnoxious Grumpy or Smug Honorable or Nice Before the heroes can get to the ending and face the ultimate Humorless or Whiney villain or obstacle and resolve the story for good, they must go Humorous or Oafish through a series of smaller challenges.
Only by defeating these Impatient or Wicked lesser obstacles can the heroes get to the ending of the story. Intimidating or Merry Judgmental or Sadistic Act Three - Finale Juvenile or Reckless If the Lazy or Predatory heroes defeat this final challenge then they will have successfully Leery or Spiritual completed the adventure and saved the day!
Pious or Suspicious A very unexpected turn of events. PCs are given news or overhear information. Interruption : 4. PCs accosted, attacked, or run into trouble. Thing : 7. Plot thread pops up. Pick a plot thread, or make up a new one! Plot Device : 8. Roll a Mid-Scene Interruption When Help to heal someone by finding a cure or the materials to make it. Do work, such as moving, driving, constructing, or household chores.
Job Type : 4. Help rescue someone in danger. Deliver a message or item to someone. Work as bodyguards, hired muscle, guides or scouts. Opposition : 7. Help solve a crime of some kind. Location : 8. Figure out a mystery, like why a strange occurance is happening. Help someone do something dangerous or difficult. Help retrieve some item or possession, or find a way to acquire it. Gather up something in sufficient quantity.
Take care of something or someone for a time, making sure nothing bad happens. The Cov- to use it and how to make up your own new story. At the With the help of the Adventure Creator you learned least know where your PCs are, and what they, and about previously, the system will help you create ad- possibly other characters, think is going on. Or at ventures, run scenes as both the game master and the most you can completely work out exactly what the player characters, and have a fun time doing it.
These rules do not emulate a game master or provide some kind of book based A. In the solo roleplaying adventures you are about to play, your primary identity will be as the GM, then your secondary identity will be as the player characters. Your third identity is up to you! I suggest being someone rich and famous. Think of the different parts of the Solo GM ly everything up on the fly. Other ones will have System as your support staff, giving you ideas, pro- more fun if they are deliberate in their planning viding you random outcomes, and helping you keep and create a full story to play through before they the tension and suspense alive by allowing you to begin.
And most will fall somewhere in between. This is the real meat of the Solo GM right before you play it. Fill in the appropriate System, the actual play. Most scenes will run through scene prompt with whatever information you feel improvisation, you as the Solo GM will guide events might help inspire your creativity and it might off the cuff according to your plans and tentative differ heavily from RPG system to RPG system , knowledge of where the story is going.
And since then make up the outline for your scene. On the quirks, and advance the story through their contri- other hand, you might come to a point in the story butions as one of the main protagonists. In those cases you might re- twists and turns that move the story forward, and ally brainstorm with the use of the scene prompt, with the Adventure Creator helping you along there and maybe even extra rolls on other Story Charts, is never any need to railroad your own adventures.
Which is also an op- tion, especially if you enjoy solo roleplaying for its literary side. With a good record of what has hap- pened you can leave your game and come back to it later, without losing anything important. The Answer Oracle is a reference sheet con- important thing to keep in the back of your mind taining several charts to help answer questions that is to not get bogged down.
As mentioned above, everybody has a roll away. Err on the side of doing things lightly, of some random result, so flip to the appropriate Sto- making up ideas quickly, and focusing on having ry Chart, roll up something, and keep on playing.
As the solo GM you can use it to shape scenes and events, every time you have a question about what might be true concern- ing something, just roll on the table. That answer ty explicit instructions as to how an NPC will re- might bring up more questions or may just allow spond to the characters, and even different respons- you to move onto the next relevant fact to discover es for different things they say or do. And without about the scene at least a little guidance improvising every charac- ter can become frustrating, or at least repetitive and cliched.
The Conversation Chart is For example, if the PCs are breaking into a build- a 2d6 chart which will provide you with an imme- ing, you could ask if the place had guards, if it was diate conversational stance for any NPC your char- heavily guarded, if the guards were very alert, and acters begin talking to. There are two columns for so on. Or if the characters are examining a crime both friendly or unfriendly NPCs so that you can scene you could ask if there were shoeprints left get a likely result for either.
To use the charts just behind, fingerprints, a weapon or lost possessions, roll on one of them whenever a PC begins chatting all of which could help break the case open.
You away with an NPC and utilize the result to shape can also even use yes or no questions to function how they respond back. As with resolution mechanics. Pre-written adventures tend to provide pret- all up to you. Your game might get a little too predictable if scenes just play out straight from the beginning set- -The second you feel stuck or confused about where up without any unexpected twists and turns.
For- the scene should go next. To create a mid-scene interruption just roll against the dreaded feeling of being stuck. Look over the results you some direction! Or maybe you use them a lot and cause too many. Here are the four basic reasons for may have some mechanic, like critical rolls, which introducing a mid-scene interruption: you can integrate into the overall solo experience, letting them set off interruptions and so on.
Unexpected Scenes -You roll a 2 or 12 on the Conversation Chart In many pre-written roleplaying campaigns the PCs will be set upon by unexpected events they had The Solo GM System is meant to be cus- no idea were coming.
Some examples would be tomized to your needs and style as a play- scenes where the PCs are confronted by some dan- er-GM. How you do that is up to you but there are line with you vs. Just decide on the rules beforehand and stick to them. Maybe just when ruption it means the PCs get attacked by you feel like it, or even like clockwork, every fourth villains, or some other terrible thing hap- scene is an unexpected scene. With that said, there are some tips The Mid-Scene Interruption Chart you can use to make your improvisation work bet- works great for making up new unex- ter and more smoothly.
This section presents a few pected scenes. Just use it like you do the of them for you to consider, and if they help make Event or Challenge Scene Charts.
For adventures that fea- up with an idea that you decide to use, then that ture a lot of the unexpected, you can then idea is set in stone, so accept it and then build on think up interesting possibilities and it. If you decide on a certain fact during gameplay, dangers that may happen to the heroes what the location of the scene is, what NPCs are as they do their job. Of course you just there, etc. Of the wings! Just be aware, doing that very you will insert in an unexpected scene.
Some games often slows your game down, breaks the mood, and may just feel a little more wild and random, making can kill your creativity. So in all but the most special it seem appropriate to have it be more likely there circumstances, get used to agreeing with yourself.
Unexpected scenes definitely have a place in the first and second acts of an adventure, especially Be Specific: One skill that really can make a solo the second act where the villain can be aware of game more enjoyable right away is being specific the heroes interference and may be routinely trying with your ideas.
Whenever you create something to do away with them. Feel free to control at what new give yourself permission to get specific with points of the journey you allow unexpected scenes, it. You may not send your characters to the hottest new seafood want an unexpected scene if you are about to do fine dining spot in Kingsheim, with beautiful cop- the inciting incident scene of the first act, or the per braziers on the wall, impeccable service, and final climactic scene of the third act, yet a second a famously eccentric, profanity spewing foreign act with no surprises, fights, or traps may feel total- chef from Winelandia, and his ever present, pipe ly boring.
Adjust it to suit yourself and your game. Or, on Repeat it out loud if you have to. You are always the personal disagreement level, two PCs may have right. Did you make mistake when you set up this something they want to say to each other, but fear scene? Instead it works in conjunction with roleplaying systems you already own: you'll be able to make up tales for your PCs to play through, and possibly even play those tales solo.
You're still the author when you use the Adventure Creator to make up a roleplaying adventure, but you will have a very powerful friend helping you. The Adventure Creator guides you through the structure used by professionally written adventure supplements, and the Story Charts, found in the middle of this book, can provide you countless combinations of ideas to inspire you and beef up the ideas you already have.
Once you've read through the chapter covering the Creator, you'll know all you need to know to go ahead and give adventure writing a try. The chapter that comes after, Variations on the Act Structure will cover several different ways you can build your adventures beyond what you first learn with the Adventure Creator.
One of the great things about every system presented in this book is that they are all modifiable and adaptable to whatever you want them to be. No one writes adventures the exact same way, or plays their games the exact same way, so you're always encouraged to make the book adapt to what you want it to be.
Using the Adventure Creator as its primary tool, the Solo GM Guidebook is a system that assists solo roleplayers in playing their games all by themselves. It will show you how to create your adventures as you play them, scene by scene, improvising everything as you go, playing both as the PCs and as the GM. Thanks to the framework provided by the Adventure Creator even improvised adventures can maintain a consistent and coherent narrative that, with a little practice, can be very much like playing with a prewritten supplement.
Besides the story of your roleplaying adventure, the Guidebook also has suggestions, tips, and charts to help you make PC personalities, NPCs, improvise conversations, create clues, devise mysteries, and more. Once you have read the chapter you can immediately begin adopting the tools you like to help facilitate your gameplay, and enjoy your favorite RPGs as a solo GM!
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