The psychiatric interview in clinical practice free download

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I am teaching Psychology at a.. Roger A. Andrea Castiello d'Antonio. It is hence a great pleasure today, to review this third edition. Forty-five years have passed since , when the first edition was published; between the second and third edition, which has been published at the beginning of this year, a number of events took place, such as the publication of DSM-5 by The American Psychiatric Publishing in With respect to other texts concerning psychiatric interviews — with respect to different types of first clinical interview i.

Intake interview -, this book distinguishes itself in the care and attention devoted to the dynamics between interviewer and patient, and to the whole sphere of relationships and empathic understandings. This approach appears very distant from highly structured interview formats, and from all those types of clinical interviews governed by strongly regulated frameworks — up to as proposed by some clinicians the detailed establishment of the time that should be dedicated to different phases of the interview: three minutes for the opening, five for the identification of main symptoms, etc.

The text, as in the previous version, is structured in four sections, which contain a number of specific chapters that present or discuss specific topics: such structure enables a better comprehension and, and allow to understand the integration among the different topics under one single framework.

The first part appears very interesting, and focuses on interview dynamics: in fact, authors introduce such topic by discussing general interview principles, and the dimensions on which the psychodynamic perspective is based, by also offering a clear perspective on their point of view. The second section covers a large number of pages, and represents the central part of the text, and aims at describing the major clinical syndromes - from obsessive-compulsive conditions to depressed, narcissistic or borderline patients, explored through fourteen clinical cases.

The third part presents a number of special clinical conditions, such as those related to hospitalized or emergency patients; also interviews with patients belonging to particular cultural and social backgrounds are covered. The last section of the text is dedicated to the description of factors influencing the interview process, such as taking notes during its development.

Better informed patients and customers often reach out to specialists, with the need and desire of being participating actors throughout the care process; at the same time — as underlined by the authors in the preface — the increasing emergence of psychological and genre differences is observed in interview rooms.

As in the previous versions, through the lines of the text can be noted a pervasive and subtle criticism towards the typical DSM framework, in coherence with the theoretical-clinical approach of the authors. In addition to the three authors, also other figures have contributed to five different chapters, namely John W.


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